Testo e traduzione della canzone Era - Mother

A mio sumoni
In my sumoni
Io fanati vorento
I fanati vorento
A nereto veni
A nereto veni
Gior si meno amante
Day is less lover
T'empiro mentori
Mentors will fill thee
Sempire d'amor terra
Sempire land of love
Innosenta luna
Innosenta moon
Solite in amo retira/remano
Usual in love retira / row

Do you love your mother like I love mine?
Do you love your mother like I love mine?
Do you wanna hold her all through the night?
Do you wanna hold her all through the night?
The sorrow fills my soul
The sorrow fills my soul
Love's just the grief
Love's just the grief
Do you love your mother like I love mine?
Do you love your mother like I love mine?
Do you wanna be her one and only child?
Do you want to be her one and only child?
The sorrow fills your soul
The sorrow fills your soul
Life's just the grief
Life's just the grief
I rest
The rest
With my head on the chest
With my head on the chest
Head on the chest
Head on the chest
Head on the chest
Head on the chest
Do you love your mother like I love mine?
Do you love your mother like I love mine?

Tradotto da Anonimo

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