Terminal Choice - Armageddon
Theredsunband - Ol' Mexico
Thingy - Ballpoint Pen
Thingy - Rental
Third Season - Silent Ending
This Computer Kills - Blueprints Of Indifference
This Is Why - Atlantic
Thomas D - Liebesbrief
Three Minute Poetry - I Hope The World Will Treat You Really Good
Thunder - Dirty Love
Tiger Lou - Hey Lover
Til Tuesday - Maybe Monday
Toad The Wet Sprocket - Barely Breathing
Tones On Tail - Christian Says
Tony Bennett - Ca Cest Lamour
Tony Bennett - Shine On Your Shoes
Tony Mcnaboe - Brighter Days
Torment The Vein - Someone Elses Game (God)
Toxic Guineapigs - Some Day
Tragically Hip (The) - Summer's Killing Us